How to upgrade to PHP 7 on Ubuntu

Depending on your time zone, PHP 7 was finally released on 3rd/4th of December 2015. Even though the general recommendation for production servers is to wait for a little bit and gather some experiences before upgrading, some of us want to jump right on and upgrade to PHP 7.

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Strict file ownership for your WordPress installation

WordPress requires write access to one directory, and that one directory only: the directory returned by wp_upload_dir(). By default, this is /wp-content/upload, but it can be configured to anything that is beneath your document root, like /media, if you want to.

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Running PHP7-FPM Nightly Build on Ubuntu 14.04

As I’m writing this, the calendar shows April 14 2015. According to the PHP 7.0 timeline, it has a projected release date of November 2015. But if you want to try it out (to check out the speed), you can already do so.Continue reading “Running PHP7-FPM Nightly Build on Ubuntu 14.04”