Hi there, I’m Bjørn Johansen. I grew up with C64, VHS and Transformers.
According to my WordPress.org profile, I’m a translation editor for Norwegian Bokmål (nb_NO) for WordPress, WordCamp speaker, WordCamp co-organizer, WordPress core contributor and plugin developer.
If you join the Oslo WordPress Meetup, I’d guess we have a high probability of running into each other, and I love going to WordCamps meeting new people.
You can contact me on Twitter or on one of the following semi-public Slacks (I’m bjornjohansen on all of them): Make WordPress, WordPress Norge, Post Status, Yoast Translate.
If you want to send me an email, my fingerprint is:5029 E0D0 F458 72E4 09D3 308D 1D51 378E E348 35B6
(If you don’t know what that means, please read this guide on email self defence with OpenPGP/GnuPG).
My public RSA (SSH) key is available here.
My OpenPGP (GnuPG) public key is available here.