OMFG, BREAKING NEWS: Thousands of WordPress sites affected by some vulnerability.
Category Archives: Rant
Don’t be “clever” with the translatable strings in your WordPress plugin or theme
Since I translate a lot of WordPress themes and plugins, I sometimes come across plugins who try to be clever with their translations. This tends to not work so well in reality.
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Do people struggle with Yoda conditions for real?
I’ve been using, and advocating for others to use, Yoda conditions for a long time. Sometimes, I read or hear about someone who doesn’t like them, without actually describing why. From time to time I read a blog post that advocates against it: And it’s always the same reason.
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Do you want my time for free?
Publishing open source software or articles for free is very giving. Not only does it give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside when someone appreciates what you release, but it can also have other indirect consequences that give you a happier life.
But when something is free – as in no cost – people will also often turn to a mindset where they don’t appreciate your effort, time or value as a human being. For some reason, some people forget all about being polite and demands that I give them professional support because they can’t read instructions, don’t know what they are doing, or just feel like their time is much more important than mine.
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